Sam and I are two completely different people. The best thing about having Sam as a friend is the fact that we only share a handful of mutual friends. In addition, she has no idea what's considered 'in' or not in our little city. With all that rubbish stripped off her, Sam is probably one of the few people at present who's eligible to have a genuine person-to-person relationship/conversation/connection with me. It's a very nice experience to just sit back and chat about each other as opposed to talking about anyone else and the parallel politics. Well, maybe there was one or two that slipped into it but on the whole, the connection's remarkably real. These days, it's considered a holiday if you manage to escape the gossips that gushes into our lives and take over us, creeping into our communication, wreaking a mental havoc.
We can spend hours talking about life, religion, growing up in Singapore/Brunei, our ancestry, family, food and the list goes on. There are also whimsical recollections of past as well as deep and emotional vomitting. Sam would never judge so i enjoy the luxury of never holding back what i feel is difficult or sensitive to share, it's reciprocal so the same goes for Sam. I love our heart-to-heart sessions and the vibrance of a real friendship that will never lie to you.
hey babe..i guess a friend in need is a friend in deed and i lurve the post about the b'fast thingy.And eventually I visited the website you reckon.And I was so impressed.Thus,you are right abt b'fast.It's the most important meal of the day and with the most variety.
ok,see ya
hello babe, thanks so much! i don't really like to see friendship that way but that's just an opinion. great you liked the blog, that's one of my favourite! we take simple things like breakfast for granted that we never saw how important and fun it can actually be. share your breakfast sometime!
thanks so much for dropping by, shameen. :)
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