Sweethearts, just to announce, me and the girls are going to part of this flea next week. We actually made it in the nick of time. Vendors swarmed at the chance and places were taken in a blink. I'll see to it that i have some stuff we're selling posted here so you get an idea. Please come! If you're not getting anything, that's fine. We can have a chat and take pictures. I'll see you!
Also, The Sally's will be launching their album on the 28 and 29th next month at the Esplanade. Their CDs will be on sale and i'll be manning the booth on both days. I may be wrong but there'll be some merchandises too. If nothing gets in the way, i hope to see you there! Come and say hello if you're among the crowd, i'd be thrilled.
Anyway, their 1" buttons are already out in 4 different designs, get them here. If that's not working, reach me at: maria@thebastardmovement.com, i'd be glad to help.
ahh tu pasal.. bakat yang tersembunyi. abang-abang bazaar semua mcm ye-ye, nanti kite 'steal the show', that's it ar kene burn.
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