Sunday, November 23, 2008

i love you, Erin Wasson.

I'm head over heels in love with Erin Wasson and her style. What in the world.. It makes me want to hit my head with a racket just to quit obsessing about her. And i'm devastated that her collaboration with RVCA: Erin Wasson x RVCA that's launching Spring '09, is not only unavailable here, it also doesn't ship to most parts of Asia except Hong Kong if you're thinking of shopping online. Unless of course, it shows up in eBay? I don't know.

(more pics here)


Anonymous said...

i'm worried RVCA will become the next in thing, kids with too much money would start obsessing over them. RVCA is very closely related to street culture and knowing kids nowadays who don't know jack about street sub cultures are wearing The Hundreds, there goes the neighbourhood. just a view i hold personally.

Maria A. L. said...

i know. but most things will eventually come to that wouldn't it? we might as well just get over it. anyhow, it's not the labels, it's how you carry them.

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