Tuesday, December 30, 2008

dictator not terrorist.

Just the other day, i was invited to my (ex) company's dinner & dance where the theme was Arabian Night. Arabian night!

So the night before the party, i was brainstorming some ideas for costume and how could i have forgotten? My dad's souvenirs from his pilgrimage about 13 years ago when i was 7 was the answer. I found everything and thought, i'm going to be a dictator or if that doesn't work, maybe the average arabian joe who sells kebab. So i looked like this..
Hahaha! My dad's old rayban gave the look an edge. So i wasn't the kebab dude afterall.

Needless to say, i was sensational there. Also, the luckiest young sir who captivated the giggling ladies waiting to take pictures with me. Hello~

Though the muslim in me got hurt a little when i was mistaken as a terrorist. So i was defensively repeating "no! I'm a dictator!" firmly that few hours. Didn't do any good. :(

Apart from that, I had the time of my life and won 3rd for best dressed. Meaning, a hundred dollars voucher and some awesome goodies. Not bad for a last minute costume hey?

Which brings me to introduce you to my new shoes that i bought instantly with the voucher. Please meet my Aldo Koudougou after 30% during the christmas sale which makes it all the more affordable.
(taken from here)

If you'd like to see more pictures of the party, go give my photo-blog a visit.

Going to the beach to cycle and have a picnic. See you tomorrow, last day of the year.


Adrenalene said...

whyyy...hello my handsome little dictator!

Maria A. L. said...

why hello miss 'a-year-older-now' lene..

happy belated birthday! :)

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