To find myself.
To marvel at the world and kneel humbly to its creator.
To fall in love with life and to dance outside the context of a degenerating society.
MADE IN ICELAND from Klara Harden on Vimeo.
2. Young Farmers series on SHFT TV.
Young Farmers from SHFT on Vimeo.
Enjoy! xx
O my Lord, if the greatness of my sins increase,
then I know that Your forgiveness is greater
If only the righteous called on You,
then who would the criminal go to?
I call on You my Lord, as you commanded, with reverence
And if You turn my hands away,
then who else will have mercy?
For years, i've been on a roll to set the stage perfect so that the foundations of my life are powerful for me to grow forth from here. Don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining. I love living life on the fast lane and being unstoppable because time is most perishable. BUT.
I spent this year, making big decisions for my life. Huge. They materialised & i see the fruits of my labour. Now that i'm here at the summit of my own mountain, why don't i feel any different? I should be feeling extremely accomplished to have ticked almost everything on my life's list at my youth's peak, right? I don't.
I've learnt that i am fed up and simply exhausted because boy oh boy, don't i just love to vacuum the life out of myself? But these days.. Ahhh these days. I give up. I spend too much time shuttling between planning, being worried, trying to sort every single thing out..
Now, i'm going to cut the crap and eat the apples of my hard work.
Honestly, I can't remember the last time i told myself "do this, you DESERVE it" or submit to the temptations of splurging on myself just because. I can't remember the last time i did something pampering without feeling guilty. I can't even remember the last time i plucked my eyebrows correctly, what more perfectly. Heck, i don't remember the last time i felt like a queen. All dolled up, feeling like a million dollars, pampered even if for just a little while?
So guess what. I'm going on vacation though not literally. I'm going to put all that energy that i put on driving high speed through my life into MYSELF.
I'm taking many off days ahead to have 'me' time. To drop everything and listen to my own heart for decisions, to listen to my body for healing, to tap myself on the back for doing what i did right, to pray with gratitude for life but simultaneously break the monotony of it to be alive. Most importantly, to love me like i should be loved.
My mind, heart and soul is on a holiday.
Because hell yeah, i DESERVE it.