Plop it into your iced tea! This is my favourite: caesar salad + iced tea, at my favourite cafe. Oh and this new book i'm reading is truly a masterpiece. Hope to share that with you soon! True love in little packages, bursting pockets of surprises. dududuhhhh~
So excited about the new year! It's been a wonderful year but i'm looking forward to all the big projects that i have planned. A few personal upgrades, a few travel destinations & plenty of big, grown-up decisions to make. A brand new journey that's bigger, better, faster. This is about to get interesting, so ready for some real action & adventure.
Also a little note for a very sad Gyira. Hope you'd pick up a book, smoke some fags & have girly time. You'll be back in shape in no time. Here's hoping for better days ahead! I promise to recommend some books & do a little review soon since i once told you i would but never did. xoxo
Hello! Hope everyone had a loving Christmas weekend! Just wanted to share this sweet & adorable compilation video of two siblings growing up getting filmed by their dad every year, coming down the stairs on Christmas morning. No words can amount to this sweetness.
Smitten much?
Parenthood is so beautiful! I get a little upset (not to be too emotionally involved in matters that do not, in any way, concern me) when i see parents not exactly embracing parenthood as a whole. By that i mean, not migrating into a completely new lifestyle that equates to 'me=family' & 'no I in We' (sorry just had to add some Ja Rule into there). In other words, 'my kids are kind of a barrier or baggage in my life'. Or 'i'm juggling parenthood and having a life'. That's unfair. Come on now!
It's so refreshing to see videos like this. This hell of a daddy must love being a parent so much, i figured. It reminds me that having a life can always mean awesome family activities, adventures, travel, & learning. I'm not saying zero ME time, i'm saying these kids probably have more to offer than you trying to live in an evidently false youth.
In my humble opinion, for as much as most parents think they're sculpting the lives of their children, i'd like to challenge & say they do just as much for their parents. Think: #AgingGracefully #Wisdom #ExcuseForBeingAKidAgain. Very charming!
Reeling from an awful, awful day. This week hasn't been the best one in awhile. It's tricky to even pour out what's going on so i'll try & share an example that could best be applied to everything else.
This morning i've decided to put on my old & torn jeans. Torn in the correct & intended places, just reminding. So i got to work & i knew i didn't look all that fab but i figured it's not unsightly so it might work out or the least, go unnoticed. But i got to work & someone asked if i 'got RAPED' a moment ago. Urm, self-explanatory.
Contrastingly though, Elfe came to visit me & through our phonecall i was beginning to suspect that she might put me through some sorta survey or something. Thankfully not, because it is Elfe afterall. She's all kinds of awesome, if you'd just allow me to reiterate. So we had our favourite soy latte, chatted & i got a lomo camera for Christmas. Awww..
Amazing, i can never explain to you how i always believe angels exist in the form of the people you love & care about. It's crazy that they surprise you just when you need them & they usually don't even know they've done that for you. Universal magic in the work. I cannot be more blessed.
Matters of the heart can be so delicate & so strange that it often materialises into something awful when it goes out of hand. Sometimes you don't know where you are & what exactly you're dealing with. And most times, you don't even mean it. Keep it together. Taking the time to forgive yourself could just be the mend to what's broken in your soul.
It's Wednesday! But i am just so blue. The office is almost empty & all my friends are scattered all over town going about their own business. By business i mean, shopping, chilling out, watching a movie, you get the drift right? What's left for me, you ask? There can only be the hourly attempts to chase the blues away. So far i've got all my old hip hop tracks on my ipod and that's good company alright? i mean, aiiiight?
In case you're hit by the same hues, watch this trailer (that is also if you haven't already). My god, how genius? I've got my eye patch on & the other one on this film for the weekend. Stoked!
A day and a half left to go & we're ready to unwind. Enjoy the day, good people!
Adios! Don't want to do anything more than slip into my 'hedonistic shell' for a moment and meet all my insane buddies, chat about nothing with loaded vulgarities, give hugs, smoke endlessly & just have fun like we always do.
When i found this picture on a cup of jo, i gasped just like she did. She loved the side chignon & i'm ALL about the hair colour. Reminds me of the gorgeous Rose McGowan. Could this be my 'holiday hair' as she termed it? I don't know, i really don't. I've been contemplating for weeks!
Am i being silly to think this is risky when i have had blonde? Should it be this bright? Does it go with my skin? Would i look totally crazy? Or too attention-seeking?
Spent my weekend catching up with TLC (travel & living channel) & sleeping in. I think i watched countless episodes of Jamie's Family Christmas & absorbed a few awesome recipes i intend to try this Christmas. Overall, a very relaxing & quiet weekend.
Honestly, i'm not completely over it so i'm gonna take this time to extend a little bit of my weekend and chase away the blues with this intensely adorable episode of Jamie & his girls cooking pancakes. Too cute!
Shortlisted these eye candies for the 'shoes' category of my wish list! 1. Jeffrey Campbell, Foxy Platform in caramel. Perfect for my girly girl days (this happens on work days too). 2. Jeffrey Campbell, Phone Platform Oxfords. This will easily be the versatile piece in the wardrobe. I can probably strut around in them just about anywhere. Trying to figure out if this is a want or a need or one that falls on the fine line between them. Eeek! 3. Sam Edelman, Nivan T-Strap Platform in black suede. The cute & dressy one. Chic & so pretty for so many occasions (the floral lace socks are a total darling too). 4. Messeca, Jesenia Fringe Pump in blush. Ultimate beauty. Urgh.
Sharing a breakfast recipe this gorgeous morning. Been dreaming about the return of my breakfast adventures, of late. Time is limited when you're busy adjusting & readjusting to different arrangements you've made for yourself to balance all that's on your plate, the best you possibly can. I'm happy to report, however, that i think i might have nailed it. Hence, i'll be elated to wake up early this weekend morning to cook up a storm in the kitchen for breakfast & share them with you. Only hoping for now!
Wishing you lovely folks a dandy week ahead!
In the meantime, enjoy this mouth-watering Baked Eggs recipe from my newly added favourite blog, What Katie Ate. p.s how stunning are her pictures & food styling? p.p.s click on image to view recipe. have fun!
Good morning! It doesn't rain as much anymore these couple of days & i'm thankful for the sun because it doesn't bake me like it does in the mid year (though it's perfect to hit the beach).
Since Christmas is nearing & as you know, it's not exactly my traditional festive time but i still always join in the fun. It's that time of the year where everyone is so merry, exchange gifts & thanks, the town looks pretty, my favourite blogs share the most gorgeous ideas, a good excuse to cook for your family & just every reason to feel so warm.
I've done some of my shopping & now it's my chance to scope the terrains to find & try out a cool way to wrap my gifts. My eyes are darting. When it's packaging, i'll type SHIM + SONSimmediately. Another cool mommy you ought to check out. I especially love brown paper, And this brilliant Thanksgiving Tree! Shim got her sons to write what they're thankful for on each 'leaf'. It's going to be a tradition in their family & i can see why!
Remember my lovely friend Lizzy? Well, she sent me a message not too long ago to ask what i thought about writing letters to each other. My answer? "Yes, please!". There's nothing i love more than pretty paperie, getting ambitiously crafty and continuing a wonderful friendship the old-fashioned way. Which in my opinion, being the traditionalist that i am, feels truly sincere & expressive. Digital mediums just can't do it the way letters can, however way you cut it. Only my thoughts though!
We haven't officially started writing to each other just yet. Liz will land in the UK in about 2 weeks and as soon as she'ssettled in, she'll send me her first letter with her mailing address so i can write back. I cannot wait!
P.S have you heard of the Benevolent Postcard Society? I've posted about them sometime ago and i'm still smittened by this charming project. Wouldn't it be so nice to form a tiny club of people from different corners of the world to exchange postcards and well wishes?
Welcome to my blog! Here's where i document everything that inspires me, the people i love & the goings-on in my life. Everyday i fall deeper & deeper in love with life (yes- the good, the bad & the ugly) & would be thrilled to have you join me in my adventure. xo